Therapy for Panic Attacks


Panic Attacks

It is scary & frustrating to think that your life may be interrupted out of nowhere with:

Intense fear,

shakiness or trembling,

dizziness or tunnel vision,

nausea or vomiting,

shortness of breath / hyperventilating ,

heart palpitations or chest pain,

hot flashes, sweating, or clammy hands, 

a fear of being “crazy”, fear of heart attack, or fear of death.

Panic attacks can be a frightening and painful type of anxiety. People with panic attacks oftentimes worry about the panic attacks occurring unexpectedly. 


Therapy for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a unique problem. They feel mysterious- you may know what specifically triggers your panic or it may come on suddenly.

These attacks are not dangerous; however, they are unlikely to resolve on their own and they may worsen without treatment.

While a person can have panic attacks along with other forms of anxiety, the two problems are distinct. In fact, they are triggered by two different parts of the brain.

It is no wonder that panic attacks and other forms of anxiety require different treatment approaches.

The good news is, there are evidence-based therapeutic techniques that are effective in addressing panic attacks.

At Pro Therapy, we don’t lump all forms of anxiety together and treat them with a “one size fits all” approach. We provide specialized care.

Information About Panic

Panic Attack Causes

Panic attacks can be caused by a combination of factors, and they often occur suddenly and without an obvious trigger. While the precise cause of panic attacks can vary from person to person, there are some common contributing factors.

  • Genetics: There is evidence to suggest that genetics plays a role in the development of panic attacks. If you have a family history of anxiety or panic disorders, you may be at a higher risk of experiencing them.

  • Stress and Anxiety: High levels of stress and chronic anxiety can trigger panic attacks. Stress can put the body in a constant state of alertness, making it more susceptible to panic.

  • Brain Chemicals: An imbalance in neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which regulate mood and stress responses, can contribute to panic attacks.

  • Sensitivity to Physical Sensations: Individuals who are highly attuned to physical sensations may be more prone to misinterpret normal bodily cues as signs of danger. This heightened sensitivity can trigger panic attacks.

  • Specific Phobias and Trauma: Previous traumatic experiences or specific phobias can lead to panic attacks, especially if the individual encounters a situation or stimulus that reminds them of the trauma or fear.

  • Substance Use: The use of stimulants like caffeine, amphetamines, or illicit drugs can induce panic attacks or exacerbate existing anxiety disorders.

  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can mimic the symptoms of a panic attack. When individuals experience these physical symptoms, they may mistakenly believe they are having a panic attack.

Understanding the causes of panic attacks is crucial for effective management and treatment. Individuals who experience recurrent panic attacks often find relief through therapy, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, medication.

It's advisable to consult healthcare and mental healthcare professionals for a proper evaluation and guidance on managing panic attacks.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is a mental health condition in which a person experiences recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. These attacks are sudden and intense episodes of extreme fear, physical symptoms, and psychological symptoms, as described above. A person with panic disorder may be concerned or worried about having additional panic attacks. Oftentimes, people with panic disorder make significant behavioral changes to avoid situations or places where they fear a panic attack may occur. This avoidance can lead to limitations in daily life.

Panic disorder can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, leading to social and occupational impairment. It can co-occur with other anxiety disorders (such as generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder) and mood disorders (such as major depressive disorder). Early intervention and proper treatment are helpful for individuals struggling with panic disorder to regain control and improve their overall well-being.

While this is general information about panic disorder, it is not intended to be used as diagnostic criteria. To find out if you meet the criteria for panic disorder, please consult a mental health professional. At Pro Therapy, our therapists do an in-depth evaluation to determine an accurate diagnosis and provide clients with psychoeducation about their condition.

Panic Attack Treatment At Home

Panic attacks are a distressing and often overwhelming experience, but there are effective treatment options available, especially for individuals in Michigan, through online therapy and teletherapy for panic disorder. These approaches offer accessible and convenient ways to address panic attacks in the comfort of your own home.

Online therapy for panic attacks is a valuable resource for those seeking professional help. It provides individuals with access to licensed therapists who specialize in panic attack therapy. This mode of treatment eliminates the need to travel to a therapist's office, making it an ideal choice for individuals in Michigan who prefer attending therapy from home.

Teletherapy for panic disorder provides structured and consistent support for those dealing with panic attacks. Our experienced therapists can work with individuals to create personalized strategies that empower them to manage their panic symptoms effectively. These strategies may include relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices.

One of the key advantages of online therapy is flexibility. It allows individuals to schedule sessions that fit their daily routines, reducing the stress associated with rigid appointment schedules and commuting to a therapist's office. This flexibility is especially beneficial for individuals dealing with panic attacks as it minimizes potential triggers and stressors.

If you're in Michigan and seeking treatment for panic attacks or panic disorder, consider online therapy / teletherapy as effective options. These approaches offer accessible, convenient, and professional support from the comfort of your home. Through the guidance of experienced therapists, individuals can develop the skills and strategies necessary to manage panic attacks and regain control over their lives.

Panic Attack Treatment In-Person

Pro Therapy in Farmington Hills, Michigan, offers effective and professional panic attack treatment, providing individuals in metro-Detroit with the support they need to manage and overcome the symptoms of their panic disorder.

At Pro Therapy, we understand that panic attacks can be debilitating and disruptive, affecting every aspect of a person's life. Our licensed therapists specialize in evidence-based approaches to address panic attacks.

What sets Pro Therapy apart is our commitment to personalized and compassionate care. We work closely with each individual to tailor treatment plans to their unique needs and circumstances. Whether it's addressing specific triggers or addressing underlying causes, the therapists are dedicated to guiding their clients toward lasting relief.

The therapists at Pro Therapy in Farmington Hills, Michigan, are dedicated to helping individuals regain control over their lives and successfully manage panic attacks, ultimately enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life.

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